
Showing posts from July, 2023

As We Stand Weeping --- Chapter 1

Part 1 – Caterpillar Chapter 1 It might have been presentiment on his part, but Alexandre Hamilton Dupont sat in his chair at 12:30 pm every day in absolute certainty that something extraordinary would happen to him. Well, it was not his chair specifically, but that of his younger brother of 8 years Claude Dupont. Alexandre leeched off Claude to no end to the point of having had moved in, taken his rightful room, and sat in his rightful chair in the large library room all while free of obligation and unemployed. Alexandre H Dupont knew from a very early age that he was destined for greater things. As a precocious child he was constantly pampered by his wealthy parents, praised by his governess and loved by his friends and colleagues. He was an extrovert that always made sure to be generous and amenable. Never sick, healthy, hearty and eager for the next laugh. Laughing all the while because he was already sure with what his life would be. Yes, he was "waiting" for it. It....